Kinh của người Mẹ

Kinh cầu nguyện của người Mẹ Công giáo. A Catholic Mother's prayers.
Kinh cầu nguyện của người Mẹ Công giáo.

Kinh cầu nguyện của người Mẹ

Lạy Chúa, chỉ có Chúa mới thấu hiểu được hết tấm lòng người Mẹ. Xin Chúa che chở cho con cái con phần hồn phần xác. Xin cho chon cái con ơn dễ dạy. Xin cho con ơn nhân ái dịu hiền mà không nhu nhược, luôn cương quyết những khi cần thiết. Xin gìn giữ con khỏi tính hay gắt gỏng, nóng giận, hoặc quá nuông chiều con cái. Xin giữ gình miệng lưỡi con, khỏi thốt ra những lời chua cay độc ác.

Xin Chúa đừng để con phải đau lòng, vì thấy con cái con bịnh hoạn tật nguyền, hay lười biếng ham chơi. Xin cho chúng ơn trung tín với Chúa trong đức tin suốt đời. Xin cho chúng biết sử dụng những tài năng Chúa ban, để làm vinh danh Chúa, phụng sự nhân loại và tổ quốc thân yêu. Xin cho con nêu gương sáng cho con cái con, biết nhẫn nại dạy dỗ chúng theo tinh thần Đạo Chúa, để đời này gia đình chúng con làm vui lòng Chúa, và đời sau cả nhà chúng con được hưởng kiến dung nhan dịu hiền Chúa trên trời. Amen.

English / Tiếng Anh

A Catholic Mother’s Prayers


Almighty God, in Thy wisdom Thou hast entrusted to me a soul to rear for Thy honor and glory. It is a great responsibility. I am proud and a little afraid, but I trust in Thy fatherly goodness and the intercession of the Mother of Jesus, who knew all the hopes and fears of one who expects a child.

Dear God, give me courage and fortitude when I need it. Let my child be born strong and healthy and with the disposition for wanting to become a Saint. Good Saint Elizabeth, cousin of our Lady and mother of John the Baptist, pray for me and the child to come.

Mary, most pure Virgin and Mother of God, I remind thee of the blessed moment when thou didst see for the first time thy newly born Child and folded Him in thy arms. Through this joy of thy maternal heart, obtain for me the grace that I and my child may be protected from all danger.

Mary, Mother of my Saviour, I remind thee of the unspeakable joy you felt when, after three days of painful seeking, thou again didst find thy Divine Son. Through this joy, obtain for me the grace to worthily bring into the world the child He didst create for me and his father.

Most glorious Virgin Mary, I remind thee of the heavenly joy that flooded thy maternal heart when thy Son appeared to thee after His Resurrection. Through this great joy, obtain for my child the blessings of holy Baptism, so that my child may be admitted to the Church, the Mystical Body of thy Divine Son, and to the company of all the Saints. Amen.


Holy Mary, Mother of God, help me in all my problems. Teach me patience and wisdom. Show me how to train my children to be worthy children of God. Let me be kind and loving, but keep me from foolish indulgence.

Pray for my children, dear Mother. Keep them from all danger, especially from spiritual danger. Help them to become virtuous citizens of their own country, but let them not forget the Kingdom of God.
Jesus of Bethlehem, make my children love each other and their home. Help them to work and pray together in holy peace.

Holy Family of Nazareth, be with us all, father, mother and children, every day of our lives.

I humbly greet thee, faithful Guardian Angels of my children. I give thee heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show them. Someday I shall repay your care for them with thanks more worthy than I can now give, and before the whole heavenly court shall acknowledge their debt of gratitude to thy guidance and protection. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray also for me, for my husband, and for my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in thy blessed company in Heaven. Amen.

Our Lady of Providence, my Queen and my Mother, to thee I confide the children God has entrusted to me. While they are small, provide for them safety of body, mind and heart. When I shall no longer be with them, when the responsibilities and greater temptations of life shall be theirs, then, O my Lady, pray for my sons and daughters. Continue to be the Mother of Providence.

Above all, my Queen, be with my children when the Angel of Death hovers near. I beg thee to take my children into eternity in the arms of thy loving providence so that forever they may praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear God, give me the grace to appreciate the dignity of motherhood, which Thou hast been pleased to bestow upon me, and to fulfill its duties according to Thy Will. By my prayers and good example, may I lead my husband and my children closer to Thy Sacred Heart. Make me a devoted wife to my husband and a good mother to my children after the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Almighty God, I thank Thee for the blessed care and protection with which Thou hast embraced my family. I humbly submit to Thy decrees and resign myself to Thy Pivine Providence. I grasp Thy guiding hand, and I shall never follow my own ways lest they lead me astray. Thy good pleasure shall be my happiness; Thy commandments shall be my only rule of conduct. Thy Will shall be my will, and Thy service shall be the object of all my desires.

Lord, grant me peace of mind because of my trust in Thy Providence, an unwavering and cheerful courage founded on my faith in Thy tremendous love, faithfulness to duty resulting from a constant awareness of Thy presence, and a firm hope of eternal reward.

Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I implore Thy blessing upon my family that we all may serve Thee faithfully in this life and deserve to be reunited in the eternal happiness of Thy heavenly Kingdom. Amen.


Heart of Jesus, I humbly kneel before Thee, adoring Thee as the Heart of my Lord and my God.
Pardon the sins by which I have offended Thee and rendered myself unworthy of Thy blessings. For Thine Own sake, for the honor and glory of Thine infinite mercy, listen to my prayer for grace and salvation for my child who has strayed. From all eternity Thou hast loved him (her); have mercy on him (her) now. Thou wantest my son (daughter) to be converted and live. Effect in him (her) what Thou haast decreed. From the Cross Thou drew all to Thyself; loosen the bonds in which he (she) lies chained. Thou hast bought him (her) at a great price; take possession of Thy property. Lead him (her) to the fountain of pardon and grace which Thou hast opened in Thy Church that he (she) may receive new life.

Heart of Jesus, listen to the prayers of Thy Blessed Mother and of Thy Saints for this my child. Listen to my prayers, for Thou canst not hear unmoved a mother’s prayer for her child. Grant me what is dearest to me on earth, the salvation of my child, and I will eternally praise Thy Holy Name. Amen.

Other Prayers you may be interested in: Prayer to St. Monica: Help my child return to Christ! .

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