Kinh ông Thánh Gioan Don Bosco

Kinh ông Thánh Gioan Don Bosco. Prayer to Saint John Don Bosco.

Kinh ông Thánh Gioan Don Bosco

Lạy Thiên Chúa của Lòng thương xót, Chúa đã gọi Thánh Gioan Don Bosco là cha và là thầy của các bạn trẻ, để tới với những trẻ thơ không ai chăm sóc mặc tiếng chê cười và nhạo báng. Xin giúp chúng con chẳng quan tâm tới sự nhạo cười của thế gian này, mà chỉ biết quan tâm tới niềm vui của Thiên Chúa. Xin ban cho chúng con nhờ lòng bác ái bừng cháy của Ngài, chúng con chỉ biết phục vụ một mình Chúa mà thôi, và không bao giờ mệt mỏi mang những người khác vào Nước Thiên Chúa. Lạy Thánh tông đồ yêu mến của các bạn trẻ, Ngài biết rằng sức mạnh lớn lao hôm nay là sức mạnh của giới truyền thông báo chí. Xin cho các chủ bút biết luôn trung thực, và làm việc cho ích lợi của con người, để phục vụ vinh quang lớn lao hơn của Thiên Chúa.  Vì Đức Chúa Giêsu Kitô là Chúa chúng con.  Amen.

English / Tiếng Anh

Prayer to Saint John Don Bosco (1)

O glorious Saint John Bosco, who in order to lead young people to the feet of the divine Master and to mould them in the light of faith and Christian morality didst heroically sacrifice thyself to the very end of thy life and didst set up a proper religious Institute destined to endure and to bring to the farthest boundaries of the earth thy glorious work, obtain also for us from Our Lord a holy love for young people who are exposed to so many seductions in order that we may generously spend ourselves in supporting them against the snares of the devil, in keeping them safe from the dangers of the world, and in guiding them, pure and holy, in the path that leads to God. Amen.

Prayer to Saint John Bosco (2)

In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you, O Saint John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones, and particularly (here mention the grace you seek). May you, who on earth had such great devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and to Mary, Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were in suffering, obtain from Jesus and from His heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also a sincere resignation to the Will of God. Amen.

Saint John Don Bosco’s prayer to Mary

Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians,
how sweet it is to come to your feet
imploring your perpetual help.
If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children,
how can you, the most loving of all mothers forget me?
Grant then to me, I implore you,
your perpetual help in all my necessities,
in every sorrow, and especially in all my temptations.
I ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering.
Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.
Grant through your intercessions many vocations to the religious life.
Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,
that having invoked you on earth we may love and eternally thank you in heaven. Amen.

Prayer to Saint John Don Bosco

Saint John Bosco,
Father and Teacher of youth,
docile to the gifts of the Spirit
and open to the reality of your times,
you were for the young,
especially the little ones and the poor,
a sign of the love and the special care of God.

Be our guide as we walk
the path of friendship with the Lord Jesus,
so that we may discover in Him and in his Gospel
the meaning of our lives
and the source of true happiness.

Help us to respond with generosity
to the vocation we have received from God,
so that in daily life we may be
builders of communion,
and may collaborate with enthusiasm,
and in communion with the whole Church,
in creating a civilisation of love.

Obtain for us the grace of perseverance
in living a high standard of Christian life,
according to the spirit of the beatitudes;
and grant that, guided by Mary Help of Christians,
we may one day be with you
in the great family of heaven. Amen


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